It's been hours of labor, powerful sensations surge through your body, emotions running high. Your partner stands at your side, hand in yours, breathing deeply. Between contractions, you regroup, greeted by more waves. Progressing through the strenuous work of bringing new life into the world, a doula stands behind you, applying counter pressure to your back, guiding your partner to soothe with a cool compress. As your body shifts, your doula anticipates your needs. Fatigue sets in, moments of defeat creep in, yet locking eyes with your doula, she reassures, "You were made for this." Her personalized support adapts to your changing needs, providing not just physical comfort but a guiding presence through your unique path to meet your baby.
Labor Support
Your doula will:
Provide 24/7 on call support leading up to labor
Demonstrate expertise in evidence-based labor support
Be able to recognize and adapt to the various stages of labor, based on your needs
Commit to create a positive and empowering birthing environment
Work to align your birth experiences with your preferences
Be empathetic and compassionate towards your unique journey through labor